Daniel Francik/Akhand, M.A.O.M, L.Ac., E.A.M.P., Dipl.Acu
ABOUT Daniel/ (Akhand)
Daniel Francik is a licensed acupuncturist who grew up in Pasco Washington and spent nearly every summer on the beautiful hills of the palouse at his grandparent's farm.
Through his time spent on the palouse, a deep love and connection formed for this beautful and gentle earth which was subtly bringing him ever deeper into the knowing of himSelf.
With such a deep connection now formed with the soft and gentle energy of the palouse land, Daniel attended Washington State University for his undergraduate studies, just to be around the beautiful energy of the palouse. The energy continued to nourish his inner work around self discovery and questioning, if I am not my thoughts, who am I?
Upon graduation he moved to Houston,TX for his master's degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.
He graduated from The American College of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in Houston which has been recognized to be one of the highest ranking acupuncture schools in the nation.
After finishing his 5 year master's program and the 1.5 year internship in Houston, Daniel longed to feel a deep rooted connection with the land and himSelf once again. He returned to the palouse and opened the acupuncture clinic, Gentle Earth Acupuncture, where he practiced for 6.5 years.
While treating patients and continuing to deepen in self inquiry practices such as meditation and silent meditation retreats called satsang, Daniel began to sit with non dual teachers based in the works of Ramana Maharshi, Rama Krishna, Nisargadata Maharash, and Mooji.
The teachings of looking within and looking to see, who am I?, were a strong influence for the beginnings of self discovery.
10 years of sitting with meditation teachers continued to deepen his practice in Self inquiry and the spiritual connectedness to all things, including work and every day life.
When the hunger to root even deeper in an inner knowing of self realization, Daniel took a leap of faith by closing his acupuncture practice and went on a spiritual sabbatical for 3.5 years where he traveled through India, Ireland and sat with a teacher named Devaji in Mount Shasta California.
During the time with his beloved teachers Devaji and Shanti, Shanti lovingly offered the name Akhanda, (Uh Kun Dah), (the undivided Self), a spiritual practice to aid spiritual students to shed remnants of old habits and conditioning. The name Akhanda serves as a constant reminder of what is true and to continue to live in the name's meaning and vibration. The name was later shortened to Akhand ,(ah kahnd) as a sort of nickname by friends and fellow seekers of truth in the satsang community.
Akhand, a board certified and licensed East Asian Medicine Practitioner and acupuncturist, is excited to return to the beautiful palouse hills and offer affordable and effective acupuncture treatments to all beings.